Planet FWD

Role: Creative Director

As a freelance Creative Director for Planet FWD, I had the privilege of spearheading the development of the company's logo, branding, and strategy. With a mission centered on bringing consumer brands to net zero, every aspect of the project was infused with purpose and vision. From conceptualizing the logo to crafting a cohesive brand identity, I worked closely with the Planet FWD team to ensure that every design element resonated with their commitment to sustainability and innovation. By leveraging strategic insights and creative expertise, I was able to deliver a comprehensive branding strategy that not only captured the essence of Planet FWD but also laid the groundwork for their impactful journey towards a greener future.

Planet FWD’s sole focus is to make it easy for climate-conscious brands to take action. To help them take the first step of measuring their carbon footprint (at the company or product level), reduce emissions, achieve carbon neutrality, and continue along a path to net zero.

Our solution is a call-to-action visual language that straddled the line between urgent and spirited. Nodding to D2C consumer brands, as well as referencing a combination of manufacturing and protest vernacular, we created a logo and identity that feels bold, level-headed and dynamic.

The comprehensive visual system enables the brand to act as a kind of framework — allowing for the variety of companies they support to feel at-home within the Planet FWD brand, while also utilizing custom typography, a set of seals & stamps, as well as iconography and data visualization to guide their users through complex information in engaging ways.

Team swag was designed with style and sustainability in mind. Ethically sourced garments layed the foundation for designing pieces that were meant to be worn. The brand visual language provided the necessary cool-factor that set the tone for the uninitiated to take notice.

Movement is behind all that Planet FWD does, so incorporating it into the brand was an immediate strategic decision. In execution, the opportunities for video and animation were considered with intention to remind viewers of what’s at stake. Footage of natural environments contrasted with the stark graphic language provided an artful balance between the serene and the urgent.

Planet FWD needed a badge to provide its client partners for showcase on their packaging. Like other printed badges/icons meant to represent various certifications, the Planet FWD Carbon Neutral Badge will over time become recognized as a brand’s achievement of carbon neutrality. An important consideration in our design was its legibility at small scale.

Trade show signage and materials were created alongside the brand launch for the Planet FWD team to take on the road and spread the word. Keynote speakers were provided with presentation decks utilizing all of the components of the new and improved Planet FWD brand to showcase compelling stories to audiences at large.